Parent Support Specialist Training

(previously Parent Mentor Training)

Family Training

This presentation will be held via Zoom. 

If you would like to support other parents in situations similar to your own, and are available on an as needed basis to provide peer support, we don’t just want you, WE NEED YOU! 

Your expertise may be just what makes the difference for a new HRC parent.  Explore your strengths and how you can best use them to support other parents of HRC clients. 

Harbor Regional Center offers a training that covers topics such as active listening skills, confidentiality, and offering peer support. 

For more information please contact Maria Elena Walsh at (310) 543-0611 or    

* Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5) or more business days in advance of the event and at the time of RSVP.

* Los servicios de interpretación están disponibles a pedido con reserva previa únicamente, al menos cinco (5) o más días hábiles antes del evento y en el momento de confirmar su asistencia.