What is Supported Decision Making?
Alternatives to Conservatorship
Disability Rights California
Presented by Johnanthony Alaimo, Clients’ Right
In the Office of Clients’ Rights Advocacy
Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is when you use trusted friends, family and professionals to help you understand situations and choices in your life. It is a way to increase your indepedence. It encourages you and gives you the power to make decisions about your life as much as posible.
SDM is how most adults make daily decisions. SDM is a model for assisting people with intellectual and other disabilities to make significant decisions about their lives, while drawing on the support of trusted friends and family. Johnanthony will discuss how supported decision making is used to support and empower individuals with developmental disabilities.
To register, contact Grace.Paez@harborrc.org by email or by phone at (310) 543-4548.
Interpretation services are available upon request by advance reservation only, at least five (5) or more business days in advance of the event and at the time of RSVP.
Si necesita interpretacion, notifique a su coordinador de servicios con 5 dias de anticipacion.
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