Orientation to Learning Disabilities, Language Disorders, and Accessing Services
Saturday Speaker Series
Presented by Owen Fudim, Ph.D., HRC Consulting Psychologist
The Saturday Speaker Series offers presentations that cover topics that are relevant to all of our families and service providers. They are presented by HRC staff who have a wealth of knowledge and experience in their areas of expertise. Presentations are scheduled on Saturday mornings for the convenience of families and service providers. Participants will have the opportunity to view the presentation and ask questions.
The goal of this presentation is to help increase access to services from the Regional Center, Special Education, and Mental Health systems of care. The presentation will also provide perspective about a continuum of issues, with some overlap, between Intellectual Disability, Autism, Language Disorders, and Learning Disabilities.
Some of the questions that will be discussed are:
- When does my child need both outpatient mental health and also school related mental health services?
- When does my child need both psychotherapy and language therapy?
- My child is a Regional Center client with a diagnosis of Borderline Intellectual functioning. How might this relate to Learning Disabilities or Language Disorders?
- How do I access multi-disciplinary services from multiple systems of care?
This presentation will also include work samples for learning disability and video interviews with children who have language disorders.
Currently, all offerings will be scheduled as Zoom meetings.
Please contact Claudia Sandoval at claudia.sandoval@harborrc.org about upcoming topics and to receive Zoom meeting details.