What kind of assistance can Participant Choice Specialists provide?
Participant Choice Specialists provide program support. However, a regional center may choose to use one position for accounting/administrative support for […]
Who are Participant Choice Specialists?
Each regional center employs Participant Choice Specialists. These positions are intended to be subject matter experts in regional center service options […]
How do I find a Financial Management Services provider?
The FMS provider is the only vendored service that is required in the Self-Determination Program. A list of FMS providers […]
What are the different types of FMS services and how much does each cost?
There are three different models of FMS: Bill Payer, Sole Employer, and Co-Employer. More information on FMS can be found […]
Who pays for the cost of my FMS provider?
Effective July 1, 2022, the cost of the FMS provider is paid by the regional center outside of the participant’s […]
Who can be a Financial Management Services Provider?
Any provider or person (except a relative, legal guardian or other legally responsible person) chosen by the participant that meets […]
Does everyone have to have an FMS provider?
Yes. SDP participants are required to utilize the services of an FMS provider of their choosing. The FMS provider must […]
What are Financial Management Services (FMS)?
Financial Management Services (FMS) help participants manage their individual budget and spending plan. The FMS does not control the budget […]
What if I need to make changes in my spending plan during the year?
Participants may make changes to the spending plan during the year. Participants may transfer up to 10 percent of the […]
Are there any limits on what I can include in my spending plan?
Yes, there are some limits.