Harbor Regional Center Service Provider Advisory Committee

Special Event

Members of the Service Provider Advisory Committee provide a wide cross-section of services and supports, for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

They meet to discuss issues of particular interest to HRC service providers, and to provide input to the Board of Trustees. It is also an opportunity to obtain up-to-date information on Harbor Regional Center policies and procedures, and the developmental disabilities service system overall. Members of the committee must apply and be approved by the Board.

The Service Provider Advisory Committee meets on the First Tuesday of every two months at 10:00 a.m. 

If you are interested in attending, or need more information, such as confirming meeting dates or to request topics to be considered on the meeting agenda, please email Leticia Mendoza at leticia.mendoza@harborrc.org or by calling (310) 543-0643. The Service Provider Advisory Committee meeting is not a format to present services offered by vendored or nonvendored providers.

Interpretation in any language is available upon request. Please request at least five (5) business days prior to the event or at the time of registration.

SPAC Meeting Schedule 2024

SPAC meeting presentation 8/6/24