Current Providers

Statewide Provider Directory


In September 2024, DDS is launching an online statewide Provider Directory. The Provider Directory will be developed in phases, adding features over time that will be useful to our community.  The first phase begins with gathering information about all service providers and verifying that the information is accurate and categorized in the same way.  When fully implemented, the Provider Directory will help individuals with developmental disabilities and their families’ access information about regional center services.  

As part of the first phase, we appreciate your collaboration and participation in an online survey to register your information by August 15th. Service providers that register can earn a possible one-time payment from the Quality Incentive Program (QIP). Provider Directory data collection activity will be used to inform the 10% change in rate setting. 

For more information on the Quality Incentive Program, please visit: 

Quality Incentive Program (QIP) : CA Department of Developmental Services

To register click on the online survey link below:

California DDS Service Provider Information Survey (

You will need to provide the following information:

  • Service Provider Name
  • Entity Type
  • Tax ID Number(s)
  • Associated vendor numbers for each tax identification number
  • Service Location Address
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Whether your organization operates as a parent company or subsidiary

On behalf of DDS and regional center, a Protiviti representative will contact you by phone and email to assist you with updating your information, if you do not complete the survey by August 15th.  Protiviti is a third-party consulting firm that DDS has engage with to help with the process of data collection and cleanup.

To learn more about the Provider Directory, please visit:


Service Provider Advisory Committee

A Committee of the HRC Board of Trustees

Members of the Service Provider Advisory Committee provide a wide cross-section of services and supports, for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

They meet to discuss issues of particular interest to HRC service providers, and to provide input to the Board of Trustees. It is also an opportunity to obtain up-to-date information on Harbor Regional Center policies and procedures, and the developmental disabilities service system overall. Members of the committee must apply and be approved by the Board.


Accounting and Billing

Staff in the Department of Administration are available to answer your questions or assist you to make sure all the administrative paperwork is in place for your clients. Staff in this Department can answer questions related to authorizations for billing, and payments for services.

Accounting Team general email:


Directives and Regulatory Updates

Department of Developmental Services Directives

View a list of directives.
Issued by DDS, and impacting Regional Centers and our service providers. 

Vendor Independent Audit and Review Report Requirements

See the attached documents regarding the requirements for the Independent Audit and Review Report.


Training & Information

Direct Support Professional Training Program (DSPT)- Department of Developmental Services


DDS Rate Study and Implementation

As required by Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (Department) submitted a service provider rate study to the Legislature in March 2019. Subsequently, the Department received comments from hundreds of stakeholders.