DDS Rate Study Implementation

DDS Rate Study and Implementation


As required by Welfare and Institutions Code, Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (Department) submitted a service provider rate study to the Legislature in March 2019. Subsequently, the Department received comments from hundreds of stakeholders. With the release of the Governor’s Budget on January 10, 2020, the Department has posted below a summary of comments received, along with the Department’s responses to these comments and any necessary and appropriate changes to rate models contained in the rate study.  More information 

Next Steps

Chapter 76, Statutes of 2021 (AB 136, Committee on Budget and Developmental Services) added Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.10 specifying the timeline for implementation of fully funded rate models for each provider type by July 1, 2025.  These include rate increases beginning in the 2021-22 fiscal year and will include a quality incentive program to create an enhanced person-centered, outcomes-based system.

Rate Study FAQs


Update: Rate Study Implementation

As of 6/20/2022

Providers who believe there is an error in the rate calculation may submit the rate review form to their Regional Center no later than 60 days after receiving their rates.

Rate Adjustment Rate Review Process

Rate Study Implementation
Rate Increase Calculation Methodology
Sample letter
Sample provider


HRC Service Provider Rate Meeting

April 20, 2022 1-2pm

HRC invites service providers to join our  informational meeting and ask questions related to the current rate changes. 

Click here for Meeting Details Meeting Announcement


Update: Rate Study Implementation

As of 3/25/2022

Harbor Regional Center (HRC) has been working in conjunction with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) and the consultants HMA-Burns on updating rates based on the comprehensive vendor rate study conducted addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities.


DDS Rate Survey 2019


General Information

Burns & Associates (B&A) was contracted by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to conduct the Rate Study. B&A conducted a Service Provider Survey in Spring/Summer 2018. They also conducted a Client & Family Survey. B&A developed draft rate models. B&A and DDS presented the draft rate models and related assumptions at briefing sessions, and the  Rate Study Report in March 15, 2019.