Services for Adults

Available Services for Adults


Many times our clients or parents/family members ask us for information on the services that are available.
We have developed this list to provide you with an overview of these services. Please keep in mind that services are determined on an individualized basis. Services must be identified as needed on the Individual Person-Centered Plan (IPP), and provided in accordance with Harbor Regional Center service policies, which are posted on our website.

Some services are provided by publicly-funded community agencies, such as Medi-Cal, community colleges, Department of Rehabilitation, etc., and some are funded by HRC, after we have met the requirement of exploring all other possible funding sources.

We know that you want to understand the variety of services available, so that you can be a well-informed participant in the service planning process. Here is a list of some of the services and supports that are commonly recommended for adults (no longer attending public school) and their families.

Download complete booklet on Available Services for Adults:



 What is a service plan and how can it help you?

What is a service plan and how can it help you?

Hear how to work with your HRC team to create a service plan that works for you. Members of the HRC Client Advisory Committee, Rita Teodoro, Wesley Dale, Bryan Boyd and Pha Prum explain what it means to them.

(3 and a half minutes)


Cal Fresh

SSI Recipients Are Now Eligible for CalFresh

Starting in Summer 2019, people will are able to receive CalFresh benefits and SSI benefits at the same time. This presents a tremendous opportunity to increase food security for very low-income seniors and people with disabilities without reducing SSI benefits.


Services Provided by HRC Staff

Assessment and Consultation

Your Service Coordinator may arrange for a meeting with one of HRC’s specialists, or an multi-disciplinary team, to evaluate your child’s needs and provide you with consultation. Assessment and consultation may assist in providing or clarifying a diagnosis, determining what type of services and supports are needed, identifying family health and mental health needs, supporting eligibility for a publicly funded benefit, etc.

HRC  has specialists with expertise in Psychology, Behavior Intervention, Medicine, Genetics, Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Pharmacy, Nutrition,  Assistive Technology, Mental Health, Financial and Health Benefits, Law, the Criminal Justice System, Adult Day Services, , and Living Options.


Services That HRC Purchases

From Programs and Clinicians in the Community

Adult Activity Programs

Adult Day Activity programs provide supportive, activities during the day for adults who are not able to be employed. Activities are designed to provide the maximum inclusion possible in the community, and individualized options for training in adult living skills, work activity and volunteerism, personal expression, socialization, and therapeutic support. Options include Inclusion Centers, Partial Inclusion, Partial Work, Creative Arts, and Therapeutic Programs.